
Fight Fatigue with Healthy, Smart Food Choices

Fight Fatigue with Healthy, Smart Food Choices

It’s common for family caregivers to experience fatigue, especially if they’re taking care of more than just one person. Often, family caregivers also have children and spouses to take care of on top of their senior loved ones. However, fatigue can negatively affect your body and mind function, and if you don’t take care of yourself, you might end up with worse conditions.

The Connection between Processed Foods and Fatigue

One of the primary causes of fatigue is malnutrition. People who are malnourished might lack the energy to perform their daily tasks, especially if they’re caregivers. The connection between processed foods and fatigue is pretty simple: Food that’s been processed, such as heavily-salted food and products that contain refined sugars, have little nutritional value for the body. The body uses these processed foods as a quick source of energy. Still, when the body doesn’t get the energy it needs or is not allowed to recover from the effects of processing, it will lack the energy and nutrients it needs to function properly.

Below are some of the best food tips to avoid fatigue

  1. Identify the culprits to your fatigue.
    Feel like you’re always tired? You may think that it’s just because you’re currently caring for someone who needs a lot of care, but it’s more likely that you have some food intolerances or sensitivities that are causing some of your fatigued symptoms.
  2. Protect yourself and your loved ones from its toll.
    When you’re tired, you may be more susceptible to traumatic accidents while driving or performing other tasks. Don’t let fatigue make your mind and body weaker than it already is! It’s time to take action and discover how you can reduce fatigue’s effects on your body.
  3. Enjoy healthier living!
    There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from caring for someone or the family to make sure that you’re healthy and rested. When you have more energy, it will be easier to take care of your own needs as well as those of your loved ones, so take advantage of this opportunity to keep yourself (and them) healthy!

Avoid Sugar-laden Foods and Eat Everything in Moderation

Avoid sugar-laden foods because they have little to no nutritional value for the body. According to Linda Gundry, author of The Low-Carb Diet and The Low-carb Gourmet Dining Cookbook, a low sugar diet could actually help with fatigue because it will allow you to use fats to create energy instead of having high blood sugar levels.

“Having too much sugar in your system is just as bad as having too much caffeine or nicotine,” Gundry says. “It can be just as toxic to your system. In fact, it works like both.”

According to the American Dietetic Association, sugar is found in the following foods:

  1. Avoid processed foods.
    Many processed foods contain refined sugars and trans fats, which cause fatigue in the body. According to Gundry, when you eat less processed food and more whole foods—such as meats, fish, produce—you will end up with more energy and better overall health.
  2. Eat more whole foods and less refined ones.
    You should also try to eat less sugar because it’s a toxin in your body, but to make sure that you’re getting the most nutrients out of your diet, you also need to eat more plant-based foods and less bread, pasta, and other processed foods. It would be best to focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and lean meats.
  3. Drink plenty of water.
    For every 1,000 calories that you consume, it is recommended that you drink 2 cups of water. According to Gundry, not drinking enough water can make you feel fatigued and create dehydration in the body.
  4. Consider adding more protein to your diet.
    Proteins actually help you burn fat, build muscle, and have more energy throughout the day.
  5. Eat more complex carbohydrates.
    These types of carbs are absorbed more slowly and keep you feeling full longer. According to Gundry, “complex” carbs that are high in fiber are actually good for you because they’re slow-burning and make you feel full, too.
  6. Eat smaller portions, especially at night time.
    This tip is also based on Gundry’s book, The Low-Carb Diet and The Low-Carb Gourmet Dining Cookbook. You should only eat five to seven small, healthy meals every day. The idea behind this is that since our bodies need 20-30 grams of protein per meal while eating less than 100 grams of carbohydrates, it will actually make you feel fuller longer.

Healthy Food Ideas For Your Diet

One of the best ways to avoid fatigue is to eat a healthy diet. By eating healthy foods, you will have more energy and feel great. You can incorporate what you eat into your diet by adding these healthy foods to your meals and snacks:
Dark, leafy greens:  These foods provide you with vitamins A, B5, and C.  They also contain iron that helps with the production of red blood cells in the body.

Peas:  You can add these to your salads or side dishes for an extra boost of vitamins A, C, and K.

Fish:  This is a high-protein food that you can eat with salad greens or tomatoes for a delicious light meal. It’s also rich in omega-3 fats that may reduce inflammation and pain in the body. Fish high in protein contain lean protein and low fat, including salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring.

Avocados:  They are rich in potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure.
They also contain eye-healthy carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that can protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration.
Nuts:  These great-tasting and nutrient-packed foods are high in monounsaturated fats and protein. Nuts are also rich in polyphenols and phytosterols, which help reduce inflammation and cancer risk.

Nuts and seeds:  These foods are high in protein and contain heart-healthy fats, such as omega-3 and monounsaturated fats.  Seeds are also rich in folate, which is important for cancer prevention.

Oatmeal with raisins:  This is a healthy breakfast that can be eaten with unsweetened applesauce and berries for a delicious, filling snack.

Broccoli:  High in fiber and low in fat, broccoli helps increase the amount of calcium in your body, keeping bones strong.

Spinach:  It provides iron, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells. It also contains vitamin A which increases the number of antioxidants in the body and helps fight disease.

Whole-grain bread:  This is a nutrient-rich food that can reduce cholesterol levels. It’s also a good source of fiber that keeps cholesterol levels low and makes you feel full.

Bananas:  Bananas are good for you because they contain potassium which helps lower blood pressure. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and help to prevent cancer.

A glass of milk:   Milk is rich in protein and calcium, both necessary for healthy bone development.

Kale: Kale is a member of the cabbage family, and it’s very nutrient-dense. It’s low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Kale also contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Coconut oil:  This oil helps your body fight off germs by increasing antibacterial HDL cholesterol in the body. It also improves thyroid function and metabolism, which controls your ability to lose weight.

Peanut butter and apple: This combination combines the high-protein content of peanut butter and apple fiber. This will give you the energy you need to get through your day.

Chicken:  Chicken is a good source of lean protein, helping reduce fat buildup in your body. It’s also low in cholesterol and sodium and has a large amount of iron, zinc, and selenium.

Blueberries:  Blueberries contain ellagic acid, which studies have shown to be effective at preventing cancer.

Hummus:  Hummus contains about 10 grams of protein per serving and is high in fiber. It’s also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Final Words

You won’t have to eat these if you don’t want, but remember that when you cut the oil from your diet, you are also cutting out several of the benefits of most traditional sources of fat. So while it’s up to you regardless of what type of diet you’re on, the information is useful for those who aren’t already fat adapted and trying to get there.

Serenity Senior Care in New Jersey is no easy task, so you have to stay on top of your health to continue giving care to your loved ones. Does your loved one need professional nursing care in New Jersey?

Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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