
7 Benefits of Walking For The Elderly (And Tips To Getting Started)

walking for the elderly

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do for your body, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. Just a pair of clothes and a pair of shoes will do. However, if an elderly person has not been active for a while, getting started on walking can be daunting. Fortunately, there are many benefits to walking that can help motivate seniors, as well as effective tips on how to get started. Learning the benefits of walking for the elderly is the first step in getting your groove for a healthier lifestyle

The Benefits of Walking for The Elderly

You can’t go wrong with walking. It’s not a sport that requires special skills. You don’t need any fancy equipment, and you can do it anytime, anywhere- no excuses! Walking is beneficial for the body in many ways, and there are a lot of benefits for people. Here are some key benefits of getting started:

1. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Your heart is the hardest working muscle, and it’s constantly working 24/7, so taking care of your heart should be a top priority. Walking is a great way of keeping your heart healthy and strong. Studies have shown that walking can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes, and heart failure. It strengthens the lining of your arteries, increases blood circulation, regulates blood pressure, and can benefit those with diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Walking also strengthens your heart muscle and helps build the endurance needed for everyday activities.

2. Strengthen The Muscles, Bones, And Joints

Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and increases bone density. An added benefit is that it reduces the risk of falling. With age, one’s sense of balance may decline, and regular exercise helps to improve balance, coordination, and posture.

3. Slow Cognitive Decline And Dementia

happy senior

Walking is one of the great forms of exercise for seniors that improves cognitive health, mental health, and emotional well-being. Long periods of anxiety can be alleviated by walking. The simple act of walking can make you feel better and help curb negative feelings.

4. Fight Diseases

Getting ill becomes more common as we age. This will lead a person to become more sedentary, and this can lead to weight gain and other health conditions. Daily walks are an excellent way to boost your immune system significantly. One study found that those who walked just twenty minutes daily, five days a week, experienced forty percent fewer sick days than those who did not. Several studies show walking can reduce your risk of developing common diseases such as heart failure and cancer.

5. Promotes Healthy Weight

Walking is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight. It can help prevent obesity, which is linked to many serious health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. Walking can be as effective as running in burning calories. Depending on the weight and walking speed, you can burn around 100 calories for every kilometer you pass. The good thing about walking is that you can do it almost anywhere, and it is one of the top ways to keep your body fit without having to spend any money.

6. Improves Quality Of Sleep

Sleep is essential to our health, and one of the most significant things you can do for the body is to get a good night’s sleep. Walking for about 30 minutes every day can help you wind down and prepare your body for sleep. It will relax both mind and muscle, which, combined with other good sleeping habits, can help you improve your quality of sleep.

7. Promotes Social Engagement

Seniors tend more to isolate themselves due to their lack of health and mobility. Walking can make you feel more connected with other people and help you build relationships. For starters, walk with your neighbor, then invite a friend along or even join a walking group. You’ll meet new people while getting some quality exercise at the same time. 

How To Get Started With Walking?

Regular walking provides lots of health benefits to the elderly, but it can also be challenging for some, especially if an older adult is not accustomed to being active. If you want to help add walking to your elderly loved one’s daily routine, then here are helpful tips to get started:

1. Begin With Small Steps

When your loved one has been drastically inactive, they can start off with small steps. Even ten minutes of brisk walking every day are better than nothing, so work on building up to that level. As you encourage your loved one to walk more and more, you can increase the amount of time and the distance covered.

2. Involve Your Loved One

walking for the elderly

Walking can be even more fun when you do it with a close friend or family member. This will motivate your loved one to get out and walk. There are many walking groups that meet in various locations around the country. Your loved one might even enjoy participating in a walking group or association that is local to them.

However, if you are not available to accompany your loved one on a walk, finding a reliable companion for your senior is a great idea.

3. Plan Ahead

Planning will help you stick with your plan and be more motivated when it comes time to exercise. Make sure you have clothing suitable for walking, such as a sweatshirt and exercise pants, comfortable walking shoes, and an inexpensive water bottle. Also, ensure you have your walking shoes packed in a bag if you decide to head out on a walk. Take safety considerations, such as sunscreen and hat, gloves, and pocket tissues.

4. Make It A Priority

When you make walking a priority, then it will become a part of your schedule and something that is done on a daily basis. For example, if it’s pouring outside and you can’t go for a walk, then take that time to do some stretches and exercises that mimic walking.

5. Look For Creative Ways To Motivate Your Loved One

It can be challenging to motivate your loved one to get out and walk, but it can be done. Here are some tips for keeping your walking motivation high:

  • Plan short and fun walks: The idea of walking for the elderly might seem boring to your loved one if they’re thinking about the whole time they will have to spend walking. Instead, try building it into a different activity, such as visiting a friend, shopping, or going to a nearby park to get some fresh air. 
  • Set a goal: Setting a goal for how many steps you like to take each day can help keep you motivated. This can be as simple as reaching 10,000 steps per day or more ambitious goals like walking five miles. A pedometer is a device that measures the number of steps you take in a given period. This tool is great for helping you reach certain goals.
  • Reward your loved one after they reach their goal: If your loved one has reached a goal, like walking for 30 minutes, consider rewarding them. This can be done by giving them a new book to read, a new pair of shoes, or even a nice dinner out. The idea is to prioritize their health and encourage them to continue doing what they’re doing.

6. Listen To Your Body

senior feels pain

Your loved one should listen to their body and not overdo it. If they are feeling tired and in pain and need a break, let them take one. This will ensure they don’t hurt themselves while exercising or doing everyday tasks.

Final Thoughts

Getting started with walking is an essential step to being active and enjoying the many health benefits of exercise. It can be hard at first, but with a little encouragement from family members and friends, your loved one will get used to walking daily and start seeing all the benefits.

Here at Serenity Senior Care, our reliable caregivers are available to help your loved one get started with walking and make exercise for seniors a part of their daily routine. Our caregivers can provide tips, encouragement, and companionship, so your loved one doesn’t feel alone when they start exercising.

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