
Ways to Fall-Proof Your Elderly Loved Ones’ Homes


According to the National Institute on Aging, six out of ten fall accidents usually happen at home. In the United States alone, falls are the top causes of accidental deaths. They can also cause fractures that may include severe or possibly fatal injuries. Clearly, keeping your loved ones’ homes incident-free is just as important in keeping them safe.

General Information About Fall Prevention Devices

A fall is one of the most common accidents that can happen at home. Homes designed for elderly individuals often require modifications to prevent falls. A big risk factor in falls is a lack of hand railing or steps. Falls are also more likely in homes with carpets and rugs or uneven surfaces, such as tile floors, that can cause someone to trip and fall.

Children are also at risk of falling, especially while doing school assignments or playing. Fortunately, there are fall-proofing devices to prevent falls in homes. These devices range from the addition of handrails to changes in floor surfaces.

Home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey can help give you the peace of mind you need with regards to your loved ones’ safety and security as they live independently at home. In the meantime, here are some ways in which you can fall-proof their homes:

  • Create clear, non-slippery walking paths.

    Arrange their furniture in such a way that your elderly relative will have plenty of room to roam around freely. Remove items that may act as tripping hazards and which could cause them to fall. Caregivers who provide senior care in New Jersey can assist you on this matter.

  • Make sure their homes are well-lit.

    Good lighting is probably one of the simplest ways in which you can minimize the risks of falling. Vision issues are common with old age, so making sure that your loved ones’ home environment is well-lit ensures that they can see their surroundings more clearly. It also reduces the chances of them needing nursing care in New Jersey for any injury that they may experience due to a fall accident.

    Even if it is a sunny day, it is always good to have light in your home. This will make it easier for everyone to see where they are going and prevent accidents from occurring while walking through doorways or into walls. It is best if you can install a light on the ceiling at every corner, around the doors, and at the top of your stairs.
  • Install grab bars and handrails.

    At Serenity Senior Care, we believe that it is always better to be safe than sorry. Hence, having extra points of contact in the bathroom, as well as along stairs and walkways, may be handy.

    The elderly are more likely to fall in the bathroom. When you install a handrail, you will be creating an important safety feature for those who live there. Also, installing a handrail will make the room look nicer. You can choose from a simple wooden railing that you can paint the color of your choice or a more modern metal rail. In addition to helping the elderly, handrails can also help children. For example, when they are doing schoolwork at the kitchen table.
  • Resolve Lifts and Stairway Seats

Elderly individuals can be uncomfortable in lifts. It may be possible to make your home safer by lowering the seating height or installing a handrail. You can also make stairs more comfortable by giving people the option to install lift seats. This will not only make them more comfortable but will allow them to remain mobile, unlike if they must sit down on a staircase.

  • Resolve Carpet and Rug Problems

If you have carpet or rugs in your home, you should take the time to come up with a solution for your loved one’s safety. One way of preventing falls is to remove carpet and put down hardwood floors. This will require some careful planning because it will reduce the amount of traffic on the floor because of the lack of carpet. However, if you have an elderly family member who likes to walk around in his or her socks, this may not be an easy thing to do.

Benefits of Making Your Elderly Loved One’s Home Fall-proof

  1. Reduce the risk of falls and falls-related injuries for elderly loved ones that live alone.
  2. Reduces the risk of elderly loved ones injuring themselves while trying to make their way down a staircase.
  3. Keeps them safer when they’re without any mobility aids, like a walker or cane, and are home alone or with only one other person.
  4. Makes it easier for your elderly loved ones to get up from the floor should they fall down while walking around their home.
  5. Helps keep your elderly loved ones’ home safer in the event of a fire or flood.
  6. Keeps your elderly loved ones’ home more secure, which can reduce the risk of petty theft and break-ins.
  7. Reduces your elderly loved ones’ fear of their house becoming broken into or damaged.

Just like preventing any other kind of injury, keeping an aging loved one’s home fall-proof is important for their safety and well-being. Elderly people are at a higher risk of sustaining serious injuries and even death in the event of a fall, and their homes are also more likely to be affected by a break-in or flood.

If your elderly loved ones live alone, it’s important for them to take fall prevention seriously because the consequences of falling down can be fatal. Always encourage your elderly loved ones to greet visitors at the door so they don’t have to go anywhere near their front steps if they don’t want to.

If you want to make your elderly loved ones’ home fall-proof, it’s important that you consult an experienced service provider. Providing your elderly loved one with a secure and well-planned out home can take away their fear of falling, which can help them walk more confidently throughout their house. If your elderly loved one lives alone, consider taking advantage of a professional home care service.

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