
Best Low Impact Exercises for Seniors to Stay Fit

low impact exercises for seniors

Exercise is one of the most important activities for seniors to stay well and prevent health problems. However, it is also important not to put too much strain on the joints and muscles. In this article, we will look at exercises that are low impact. These exercises make the muscles work hard without causing damage to the joints.

The Benefits of Low Impact Exercise

If your loved one puts off exercising because they cannot stand the thought of jogging, there is an alternative – Low-impact exercises.

Low impact exercises are physical activities that do not have a disruptive impact on the joints and muscles. While the heart rate increases during exercise, low-impact exercises are less stressful on muscles and joints than high-impact exercises like running. With less strain on body parts, low-impact exercises prolong the joints’ life, making them much safer for seniors with poor bone density or joint pain.

Many low-impact exercises for seniors offer the advantages of high-intensity workouts but are far easier on the body and usually do not require special equipment beyond shoes and workout clothes. 

Here are the benefits of low-impact exercises

  • Enhances Flexibility – Most low-impact exercises are in line with one of the most vital aspects of healthy living – flexibility, which helps with muscle pulls and stiffness. Workouts involving swimming, Pilates, and Yoga, help strengthen the core and improve flexibility.
  • Weight Control – Low-impact exercises are also good for weight control. For instance, A 160-pound senior burns approximately four hundred twenty-three calories an hour while swimming laps at a moderate pace.
  • Allow Seniors To Be More Active – The usual exercise programs encourage seniors to balance intense workouts with active rest days that allow their bodies to recover. Low-impact exercises put less stress on their body, reducing the demand for rest days. Your senior can remain consistently active.
  • Lessened Chances Of Injury – Low-impact exercises are less likely to cause injury than high-impact activities like running. With lower stress on the joints, the risk of injury is reduced.
  • Boost Mental Health – Low-impact exercises offer many mental health benefits, such as increased awareness and mood improvement. This can be achieved by doing relaxation techniques during and after a workout.

Low Impact Exercises for Seniors

Now that you already know the benefits of low impact exercises, here are some of the low impact exercises for older adults. Seniors at home can do these exercises.

1. Swimming

swimming for senior

It is a full-body workout because you are moving your body against the resistance of the water. The resistance in the water is easy on the joints, making it accessible for seniors who have joint problems like arthritis. What’s good about this form of exercise is that it requires almost no equipment, and you can do it at home with a swimming pool or in a nearby public pool. 

Swimming is an excellent workout to build endurance because the exercises can help boost your heart and lung strength. Whenever a person needs air, the brain sends a signal that the body demands oxygen, and the heart will pump faster to replenish oxygen throughout the body. Over time, it can help you maintain healthy lungs and a healthy heart, which can help protect a person from heart conditions and lung diseases.

Other important benefits swimming can provide are that it is an excellent weight-loss workout because you’re burning calories at an excellent rate, as well as a good cardio workout. 

Before taking the plunge into swimming, it’s important to remember these vital swimming tips for seniors.

  • Don’t skip the warm-up: A lot of people will jump straight into the pool and start swimming laps. But in doing so, you’re putting a lot more stress on your body, making it more prone to injuries. The warm-up can help improve strength and flexibility for swimming. 
  • Swim with a buddy: Swimming with a buddy is an excellent way to ensure you don’t get into trouble in the pool. It’s also an excellent way to make new friends if you’re not already part of an organized swim group.
  • Wear the proper footwear: Wear shoes with rubber soles designed for the water to ensure you don’t slip. This is especially important if you’re taking swimming lessons in a public pool, where there may be tile or other slick surfaces. 

2. Walking

walking exercise for seniors

Walking is a great low impact exercise suitable for any age and fitness level. But it is a more common exercise seniors choose because it only takes a few minutes to go for a walk. Walking is a simple, convenient, and low impact exercise. 

Walking is an excellent exercise beneficial in many ways, including cardiovascular fitness, balance, weight loss, and heart health. Studies show that walking for thirty minutes a day for five days a week may help lessen the risk of heart disease by as much as nineteen percent.

Some other important health benefits of walking for the elderly include boosting your immune system, toning the legs, and easing any joint pain a person may have.

Also, walking is linked to reduced depression and anxiety because improved walking oxygen flow throughout your body has been found to enhance energy and mood.

Walking provides various health benefits to seniors, but it can also be challenging for some, especially if a senior is not accustomed to being active. If you like to help add walking to your senior’s daily routine, here are a few tips.

3. Cycling

low impact exercises for seniors

If your senior loved one is not comfortable with walking, cycling is another great option for lowi mpact exercises. Cycling is a simple exercise you can do anywhere, anytime – especially if you usually go to the mall or library. Whether you invest in a road bike or ride stationary bikes at the gym, cycling offers a great and fun way to get active.

Like walking, it also provides its own set of health benefits. Cycling is an excellent cardio activity that can give the legs a workout. It is a non-weight-bearing activity because you utilize the bike to stabilize your balance and take the weight off your joints, meaning there is a reduced risk of injury.

Cycling at a moderate pace can burn calories, which may be helpful in helping you maintain your weight. It also gets the heart pumping, which may decrease your risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

4. Water Aerobics

water aerobics for seniors

Water aerobics is a type of exercise class where you participate in routines and exercises in the water. The concept of water aerobics is to mimic land workouts, and you will usually do a lot of traditional things like running, squats, lunges, or high kicks. However, unlike land exercises, water exercises will not be as intense if the pool isn’t really deep. 

Participating in water aerobics is to have fun while exercising because it can reduce your risk of injury and make your workout more enjoyable. But it is also a very effective and environmentally friendly way to stay fit and trim.

One important health benefit of performing water aerobics is it gets the heart pumping and allows you to burn calories while staying cool in the water.

5. Yoga

Yoga for seniors

When you think of yoga, you may think it’s only for women because it’s so common in gyms these days. However, anyone can enjoy yoga, regardless of their age or gender.

The purpose of practicing yoga is to increase strength and flexibility, but it can also help improve balance and coordination. Yoga is also great for improving mental well-being because it helps people relax and focus on their body movements. 

The benefits of yoga include losing weight and toning the arms, legs, and core muscles. Yoga is especially beneficial for seniors with arthritis because stretching provides a non-weight-bearing workout for the joints and muscles.

There are seven known best yoga poses for older adults, and these poses are good for reducing lower back pain, preventing osteoporosis, and gaining flexibility. These yoga poses include:

6. Pilates

pilates for seniors

Pilates is a system of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. This system of exercise is typically done on a mat or on a reformer, a machine built to simulate Pilates exercises. 

Pilates focuses on developing strength and flexibility in the body through certain movements and positions, which is different from other forms of exercise. It also features specific breathing techniques. 

Pilates can help improve balance and coordination because it focuses a lot on core strength, which can help prevent falls in seniors. Pilates speeds up a person’s metabolism and reduces the risk of heart disease because it helps improve cardiovascular fitness.

7. Dancing

dance workout for seniors

Dancing is not only a great low impact exercise, but it also makes a good date activity. Just like other low impact exercises mentioned above, dancing can be enjoyed by seniors of all ages because there are so many different kinds of footwork you can do to enjoy the music and have fun in the process. 

Dancing can help improve muscle tone and flexibility as well as your mental health. It also boosts your heart rate and brings oxygen to your muscles, which may keep you from getting fatigued from an exercise program. 

Dancing is a great way to learn how to be in sync with your body. If you like to help add dance to your older loved one’s daily routine, here are some suggestions:

But, as with any exercise regime, you must consult a doctor before engaging in a new activity. The exercises mentioned are a good place to start, especially if you have a senior who has never exercised before or has special health needs. Additionally, they will prevent pressure sores and keep them entertained.

But you’ll need to be kind and patient with your loved ones because exercising can be difficult for some seniors. So give them plenty of support and praise when they try a new exercise and don’t get discouraged if your senior has trouble making exercise a regular habit.

Final Thoughts

So, there is no reason at all why your senior should not exercise. It will reduce their stress level and improve their quality of life. But one thing to keep in mind is choosing the right exercise for them. Exercises should be tailored to their body type and health condition. Low-impact exercises are recommended for seniors because they help build strength without putting lots of pressure on joints and muscles.

We all know that not all the time you are there to accompany your senior in their exercise regime; having a companion is the best way to ensure that they are doing the exercises properly. You can also encourage your senior to do these exercises with other family members or friends. Or suppose you want someone who just doesn’t accompany your loved one but also serves as a motivator. In that case, Serenity Senior Care can offer you a caregiver or a companion who will do just that. Our companions can provide encouragement and motivation for your loved one during the exercises. They can also perform other tasks to help with their daily activities. With all these, your seniors will enjoy their exercise regime, which is most important to them. If you want to learn more about how we can help, call us at 973-338-0124 or through our contact form.

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